18 October 2024
Ethiopia to train large number of soldiers for Somaliland, according to @SLNTV’s Facebook page. The station reported on Thursday that the commander of Somaliland forces Gen. Nuh Ismail Tani bidding farewell to the trainees at Wajaale town.(Pic courtesy of @SLNTV)
Somali authorities in Jubaland have reported that federal and regional forces have repulsed three separate, coordinated attacks by al-Shabaab militants  on three newly captured areas west and south of Kismayo. Early on Monday Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago. The militants have also attacked Bulo Haji town base, about 90km south of Kismayo. Officials say said troops have defeated the militants in all three battles. Purported photos of dead al-Shabaab militants and weapons seized by the government forces are being published by social media accounts. The al-Shabaab militants on their side confirmed the three raids and have claimed “overrunning” the bases.3 month ago
Somali authorities in Jubaland have reported that federal and regional forces have repulsed three separate, coordinated attacks by al-Shabaab militants on three newly captured areas west and south of Kismayo. Early on Monday Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago. The militants have also attacked Bulo Haji town base, about 90km south of Kismayo. Officials say said troops have defeated the militants in all three battles. Purported photos of dead al-Shabaab militants and weapons seized by the government forces are being published by social media accounts. The al-Shabaab militants on their side confirmed the three raids and have claimed “overrunning” the bases.
3 month ago
Somali troops move towards al-Shabaab strongholds in Jubaland. Federal and regional Somali forces captured a key juncture in the village of Harbole in Lower Jubba region, Wednesday.The military units that reached area reportedly launched the operations from Afmadow and Jana Cabdalla.This operation reportedly has two aims - to clear the road between Kismayo and Afmadow, and to disrupt al-Shabaab movements between Middle Jubba and Baddamadow. the forces have also captured Welmaro village, northeast of Afmadow
Ethiopia PM @AbiyAhmedAli says his country has “no fight” with the Somali government. He told Ethiopian lawmakers on Thursday that Ethiopia “sacrificed for peace in Somalia and the ruling party is showing its respect to Somalia and its people.”
Ethiopian and Somalia foreign ministers meet in Türkiye to ease diplomatic tensions. In a bid to ease tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia, the foreign ministers of the two countries have arrived in Türkiye.3 month ago
Ethiopian and Somalia foreign ministers meet in Türkiye to ease diplomatic tensions. In a bid to ease tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia, the foreign ministers of the two countries have arrived in Türkiye.
3 month ago
AU forces transfer another military camp to Somali troops this week. Abdalla Biroole locates about 50km west of Kismayo. ATMIS handed over Abdalla Birolle FOB to @SNAForce on Saturday. It is the fourth FOB to be transferred as part of the Phase 3 drawdown of ATMIS.
Ethiopia government denies “Cancellation” of the MOU between Ethiopia and breakaway region of “Somaliland”
Somalia accuses @VOANews of 'disinfo', lists military 'successes'.FGS ire drawn by VOA report earlier this week which cited US officials as suggesting much of recent military gains by Somali army reversed, Al-Shabaab resurgent
A suicide bomber killed at least 13 people outside a restaurant popular with Ethiopian and Somali troops in the town of Baladweyne in central Somalia. More than 10 people were also wounded in the blast near a military base
At least two Somali regional soldiers were killed, and five others injured after al-Shabab militants ambushed government forces near Bulo Haji town, Wednesday, Spokesperson said. Security officials reported an unspecified number of casualties among al-Shabaab fighters, and the destruction of four battle wagons - three of which belong to the militants
The Houthis in Yemen are in talks to provide weapons to the Somali militant group al-Shabaab, a worrying development that threatens to further destabilize an already violent region, officials said.
Fighting between central Somalia clans kills at least 55, residents say
UKMTO has received a report of a Merchant Vessel (MV) being boarded in position 0116S 05107E by an unknown number of unauthorised persons from two small craft. 420NM southeast of Merca, Somalia. Update 001: The Company Security Officer reports the unauthorised boarders have departed the MV
and all crew are safe.4 month ago
UKMTO has received a report of a Merchant Vessel (MV) being boarded in position 0116S 05107E by an unknown number of unauthorised persons from two small craft. 420NM southeast of Merca, Somalia. Update 001: The Company Security Officer reports the unauthorised boarders have departed the MV and all crew are safe.
4 month ago
British Maritime Authority: Unidentified persons boarded a ship 420 nautical miles southeast of the Somali port of Marka.
Cyclone Ialy with wind speed of 75-100km/hour is approaching Somalia’s coastline, authorities warn.People living in coastal cities in Banadir, Southwest and Jubaland; and fishing and commercial boats traveling have been urged to exercise “extreme caution.”Attention: The Somali Disaster Management Agency has issued a severe cyclone warning named Laly, which is rapidly approaching coastal cities, including Mogadishu, Barawe, Marka, Jamame, Kismayo and Badhadhe. The public is advised to exercise extreme caution4 month ago
Cyclone Ialy with wind speed of 75-100km/hour is approaching Somalia’s coastline, authorities warn.People living in coastal cities in Banadir, Southwest and Jubaland; and fishing and commercial boats traveling have been urged to exercise “extreme caution.”Attention: The Somali Disaster Management Agency has issued a severe cyclone warning named Laly, which is rapidly approaching coastal cities, including Mogadishu, Barawe, Marka, Jamame, Kismayo and Badhadhe. The public is advised to exercise extreme caution
With the arrival of Turkey's warship in Mogadishu Port, the first step of the 10-year cooperation agreement between Somalia and Turkey on coastal protection, blue economy development and maritime defence capabilities has been taken
Somali Minister of Information: Ethiopia violated the sovereignty of our lands
The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi says it has received information about threats to multiple locations in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, including Aden Adde International Airport. All movements of U.S. Embassy personnel have been canceled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024,
6 month ago
Six Kenyans have been killed in Dhobley, Somalia by suspected Al Shabaab militants,  Liboi Deputy County Commissioner Ali Manduku has confirmed
7 month ago
Somali official: The Indian Navy liberates the ship MV Ruin and arrests 35 pirates
Somali security shot and killed al-Shabaab attackers who stormed SYL hotel, according to state media
Al-Shabaab militants have attacked SYL hotel in Mogadishu, using an explosion followed by armed fighters, according to a security source.The same source says the explosion may been from Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (PBIED).SYL hotel was previously targeted by al-Shabaab multiple times. The hotel is frequented by ordinary citizens as well as politicians. Al-Shabaab claims its fighters attacked a hotel in central Mogadishu. The attack started with an explosion, al-Shabaab claimed in a message via Telegram
UKMTO has received a report of an incident 600NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. The Company Security Officer (CSO) reports that the vessel was boarded by multiple persons from two craft, one large and one small. Unauthorised persons now have control of the vessel7 month ago
UKMTO has received a report of an incident 600NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. The Company Security Officer (CSO) reports that the vessel was boarded by multiple persons from two craft, one large and one small. Unauthorised persons now have control of the vessel
Al-Shabaab claims it attacked, at night, a SNA post in Afgooye, Lower Shabelle, which it set on fire after overrunning it
7 month ago
The US military has reported conducting a new “collective self-defense” airstrike against al-Shabaab on March 10, killing 3 militants. @USAfricaCommand said the airstrike occurred in a remote area in the vicinity of Ugunji approximately 71 km southwest of Mogadishu. The initial post-strike assessment is that no civilians were harmed, according to AFRICOM statement
Al-Shabaab claims it overran a SNA position in Tarajante, Beledweyne, Hiraan, capturing weapons, ammunition, & other equipment from Somali government forces7 month ago
Al-Shabaab claims it overran a SNA position in Tarajante, Beledweyne, Hiraan, capturing weapons, ammunition, & other equipment from Somali government forces
Somalia cabinet approves Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement with Turkey, Wednesday. Under the agreement Turkey will build, train and equip Somali navy. The agreement also boosts martime resources and blue economy. Somalia PM @HamzaAbdiBarre said the agreement removes “any fears of terrorism, piracy, illegal fishing, toxic dumping and any external violations or threats” to Somalia’s sea. @HamzaAbdiBarre described Turkey as “true and reliable brother.”When faced with danger, Somalia is not alone and not with out a brother, @HamzaAbdiBarre said.The agreement was signed in Turkey on February 8
8 month ago
Suspected US drone strike hits Al-Shabab meeting in Kuntawarey district, Lower Shabelle region on Friday night. 7 militants, including senior leaders killed, per Somali military sources
Somalia is asking the AU for an urgent, credible & independent investigation into what happened. Statement via @MOFASomalia: Somalia accuses Ethiopia of “provocative attempt” to “obstruct” the delegation of President @HassanSMohamud from attending the AU Summit.“The action breaches all diplomatic and international protocols,” a statement from Somalia Ministry of Foreign Affairs published
The Memorandum of Understanding Ethiopia has signed with Somaliland changes Somalia’s borders, President @HassanSMohamud tells heads of state at the AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Saturday. In his speech, @HassanSMohamud said Somalia is “threatened by annexation of part of it” by the signing of the MoU. He appealed to the AU to take a “clear stance” on the matter. Ethiopia and Somaliland defended the MoU signed on Jan 1 which will lease 20km of sea to Ethiopia in return for recognition according to Somaliland Officials. Ethiopia previously denied it plans to annex parts of Somalia