20 September 2024
1 dag geleden
Egyptische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Wij benadrukken het belang van het behoud van de soevereiniteit van de Somalische staat en zijn territoriale integriteit
Het kantoor van de procureur-generaal van Somalië kondigde dinsdag de arrestatie aan van Ertugrul Karafiyeli, een Turkse burger en hoofd van Arbeid en Werkgelegenheid bij Favori, het bedrijf dat de zeehaven van Mogadishu en de luchthaven Aden Adde beheert. Hij wordt beschuldigd van immoreel gedrag, bedreigingen, mishandeling en machtsmisbruik tegen Somalische werknemers, evenals schendingen van de arbeidswet en ethische normen op de werkplek, aldus een verklaring van het kantoor van de procureur-generaal2 dag geleden
Het kantoor van de procureur-generaal van Somalië kondigde dinsdag de arrestatie aan van Ertugrul Karafiyeli, een Turkse burger en hoofd van Arbeid en Werkgelegenheid bij Favori, het bedrijf dat de zeehaven van Mogadishu en de luchthaven Aden Adde beheert. Hij wordt beschuldigd van "immoreel gedrag, bedreigingen, mishandeling en machtsmisbruik tegen Somalische werknemers, evenals schendingen van de arbeidswet en ethische normen op de werkplek", aldus een verklaring van het kantoor van de procureur-generaal
2 dag geleden
Passagiersvluchten tussen Mogadishu en Baidoa, die dinsdag tijdelijk enkele uren werden stilgelegd, zijn nu hervat, volgens bronnen die spraken met @ArlaadiMnetwork. De oorzaak van de opschorting is nog niet bekendgemaakt, aangezien beide partijen erover zwegen.
Officiële verklaring van Somalië over toetreding tot IAEA3 dag geleden
Officiële verklaring van Somalië over toetreding tot IAEA
5 dag geleden
Somalische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Ethiopië wil Somaliland annexeren bij zijn soevereiniteit
6 dag geleden
De VS probeert een positie in te nemen in de spanning tussen Ethiopië en Somalië. "Het is een ongelukkige situatie, zeer verstorend, en begon met dit MoU tussen Somaliland en Ethiopië," zei de Amerikaanse ambassadeur
1 week geleden
Ethiopische troepen hebben de controle overgenomen over belangrijke luchthavens in de Somalische regio Gedo, waaronder Luq, Dolow en Bardere, in een poging om de mogelijke luchtbrug van Egyptische troepen naar het gebied te voorkomen
1 week geleden
Ethiopian government have relocated several mechanized and infantry battalion to Somali Region. Troops stationed in Hawassa and Debre Zeyit have been transported to Godey
Egypt's Foreign Minister and UAE President @MohamedBinZayed discuss ways to resolve the escalating Sudan crisis as well as the tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia1 week geleden
Egypt's Foreign Minister and UAE President @MohamedBinZayed discuss ways to resolve the escalating Sudan crisis as well as the tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia
1 week geleden
Reports of mortar attack in Mogadishu
Ethiopian Army Chief, General Berhanu Jula, speaking in Jigjiga, Somali Region, stated that Somalia’s collapse began with the 1977 war against Ethiopia. He claimed foreign powers pushed Somalia into the conflict, only to abandon it later. Jula linked recent cooperation between Somalia and Egypt to the 1977 conflict, suggesting similar external influences. The General made these remarks while visiting the Somali region’s capital, with a photo showing him seated next to the regional president2 week geleden
Ethiopian Army Chief, General Berhanu Jula, speaking in Jigjiga, Somali Region, stated that Somalia’s collapse began with the 1977 war against Ethiopia. He claimed foreign powers pushed Somalia into the conflict, only to abandon it later. Jula linked recent cooperation between Somalia and Egypt to the 1977 conflict, suggesting similar external influences. The General made these remarks while visiting the Somali region’s capital, with a photo showing him seated next to the regional president
2 week geleden
Ethiopian Eastern Command Air Force has been put on high alert along Somalia-Ethiopia border
Somalia confirmed its support for Raila Odinga, the Kenyan candidate for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship, during a meeting in Beijing, China, between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Kenyan President William Ruto. This endorsement was part of broader discussions and diplomatic engagements at the China-Africa summit, highlighting the regional backing for Odinga's candidacy ahead of the AUC elections scheduled for February 20252 week geleden
Somalia confirmed its support for Raila Odinga, the Kenyan candidate for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship, during a meeting in Beijing, China, between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Kenyan President William Ruto. This endorsement was part of broader discussions and diplomatic engagements at the China-Africa summit, highlighting the regional backing for Odinga's candidacy ahead of the AUC elections scheduled for February 2025
Major Ethiopian generals visit Somali Region as troop buildup continues along Somalia-Ethiopia border2 week geleden
Major Ethiopian generals visit Somali Region as troop buildup continues along Somalia-Ethiopia border
2 week geleden
Airstrikes against al-Shabaab reported in the vicinities of Ruun-Nirgood and El-Dheer areas in Middle Shabelle and Galgadud regions - state media
2 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Ministry in a letter to the Security Council: Ethiopia continues to stir up trouble with its neighbors and threatens regional stability
Ethiopian Foreign Minister: We demand that Somalia stop its movements with parties seeking to target Ethiopia's interests
Ethiopia appoints new ambassador to Somaliland
The Government of the Republic of Somaliland strongly objects to the recent deployment of Egyptian military forces in Somalia
Ethiopia after arrival of Egyptian troops in Mogadishu says that “forces” that try to fuel tension to achieve their short-term goals must bear dire consequences
Two C-130 Egyptian military aircrafts have arrived at Mogadishu airport on Tuesday carrying equipment and personnel, sources. nnSomalia and Egypt are strengthening their military cooperation amid bitter dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia3 week geleden
Two C-130 Egyptian military aircrafts have arrived at Mogadishu airport on Tuesday carrying equipment and personnel, sources. nnSomalia and Egypt are strengthening their military cooperation amid bitter dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia
4 week geleden
At least six people were killed after a suicide car bomb targeted a security checkpoint at K-13, outside Mogadishu. One of the six killed was a soldier who blocked the suicide car with his vehicle to prevent it from moving into a security camp
4 week geleden
Somalia tech leaves 5 dead: Reports of suspected suicide car bombing at a security checkpoint at K-13, on the Mogadishu-Afgoye highway.At least five people were killed, 14 others were injured in the attack, per souvenir
Details are emerging of a deadly roadside explosion in Sariitow village area near Awdiinle town, west of Baidoa, Somalia, Friday. At least 12 people were killed, nine others injured after roadside explosion hit a pickup truck used by security forces1 maand geleden
Details are emerging of a deadly roadside explosion in Sariitow village area near Awdiinle town, west of Baidoa, Somalia, Friday. At least 12 people were killed, nine others injured after roadside explosion hit a pickup truck used by security forces
1 maand geleden
Puntland has executed 10 convicted Al-Shabaab members in Gaalkacyo. This comes just days after a group of Al-Shabaab militants escaped from a local prison, with some later recaptured by security forces
1 maand geleden
Egypt to officially submit a request to participate with troops in the AU peacekeeping mission in Somalia
Egypt, Somalia sign military cooperation protocol; President Sisi and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud witness the signing ceremony in Cairo. President Sisi affirms Egypt's position in support of Somalia's unity and sovereignty over its territories, and rejects any interference in its internal affairs, per reports1 maand geleden
Egypt, Somalia sign military cooperation protocol; President Sisi and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud witness the signing ceremony in Cairo. President Sisi affirms Egypt's position in support of Somalia's unity and sovereignty over its territories, and rejects any interference in its internal affairs, per reports
1 maand geleden
Somalia president @HassanSMohamud arrives in Cairo, Egypt, for a two-day official visit. Somalia wants Egypt to play a role in AU’s upcoming new mission from 2025
1 maand geleden
Three Al-Shabaab Militants Defect to Government Side in Hiiraan
Ethiopian and Somali delegations began fresh talks at reconciliation on Monday under Turkish mediation. The parties, both present at the Turkish Foreign Ministry, are not meeting face-to-face, highlighting that Turkish officials are carrying out shuttle diplomacy1 maand geleden
Ethiopian and Somali delegations began fresh talks at reconciliation on Monday under Turkish mediation. The parties, both present at the Turkish Foreign Ministry, are not meeting face-to-face, highlighting that Turkish officials are carrying out "shuttle diplomacy